We could not be more pleased to welcome our newest team member Tammy Hanslip. Tammy is a former nurse and brings with her, her passion of helping people. Tammy has been a home staging expert for many years and is able to bring that set of skills to her clients at Woodlands Realty. Read Tammy’s bio below. Welcome to the Family Tammy!

Tammy Hanslip, Realtor
[email protected]
About Tammy:
Tammy has been a home maker, a Mother, and a professional home stager for most of her adult life. She brings a plethora of knowledge and skills to her clients. Before finding real estate Tammy was a nurse…her passion of helping others extends to her real estate clients as well. Tammy is married to Charles and has 2 children, she also has Harley and Katy as fur babies. When not helping clients find that perfect home or sell their existing home Tammy enjoys boating on Lake Conroe with her family. Tammy prides herself in exceeding her clients expectations , having lived in the greater Houston area all of her life her knowledge is invaluable when searching for that next home or when prepping your home for sale. Contact her today at [email protected] .